Place holder - complex numbers seems to need some footwork across the code base...
Since recently, one can set a range of cells that the openPMD plugin will include in its output. It would be useful to be able to make this range time-dependent.
I'm integrating simulation fields …
User confused, asking for help. Running one of data collection functions in run engine and when APS dumps the ring, user does ctrl-C. Then RE.abort() and data collection resumes - even without beam, w…
> Dear Jerome,
> when looking to the manual of pyFai I tripped over the polarization
> correction that is implemented. Apparently, you are still using only a
> single parameter P, and I do not un…
After APS beam dump we had failure in access to 9idcLAX:state PV
| 72 | 20:32:51.9 | 1666667 | 24253 | 797 | …
It would be good for normalization and lots of other reasons to load the monitor streams into separate dataarrays. they all have a timestamp/value setup basically, but all of the timestamps are async…
I still got error, when we had to restart waxs ioc that detector HDF5 plugin is not primed. I thought this was solved by lazyopen as Mark suggested. Am I remembering this wrong?
I hope this message finds you well.
As I continue working on SAXS data analysis, I’ve been learning to use PRIMUS and GNOM but have encountered a few questions that I hoped you could help clar…
If right click parameter there is a redundant "Constrain parameter to its curretn value", which if you use it then becomes quite difficult to remove, in any case it is not needed as you simply turn t…
In lieu of full adaptive integration, set the order of integration for theta and phi based on q value and particle dimensions. Cutoff values for increasing the order will need to be determined on a m…