Edit update (aug 28 2:02 pm).
this was originally made to fix for those 3 games below & 3 others moving to dxwrapper
The latest update broke the ability to create a standalone copy.
Official entries not in GSC:
1 US - A-M/Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time - Master Quest (USA) (GameCube).z64
1 US - A-M/Lode Runner 3-D (USA).z64
2 Europe - A-Z/007 - The World Is Not En…
### Write the Proposal name
Batch add 2022-12-12
### Proposal Details
# https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/verbal-ases-low-tetris-beatbox
Add new
TMDB returns genre ID instead of words. I need to find a technical solution to return the corresponding strings to the user.
Run PythonBridge tests as part of CI/CD (at least on one platform).
Add some additional testable high level functional examples.
Check out existing unit tests (PythonBridge-Tests package).
### Feature description
The scanner should be able to parse things like:
`Shingeki no kyoshin season 4 part 2 special 2` (why are you like this tho)
I think an external database for that would be…
Create an example test for comparing compute model vs stateful compute performance.
в момент настройки получаю
tail: невозможно открыть './vm.log' для чтения: Нет такого файла или каталога
tail: больше нет файлов
Consensus seems to be to keep existing skills and do mergers. Since Lokathor already has them formatted for LaTeX, we can probably start on the merging and errataing... just as soon as we know what th…