when I have more than the characters than slots the screenplay will not auto format correct
I install this addon and don't work ... Text Editor > Screenplay Tab > Chat GPT?
Provide more information.
Could i check if there is any task listeners in serenity screenplay, a listener that should be executed after every task. Thanks !
Kịch bản : Giao dịch chuyển tiền
Câu chuyện thực tế ( Real Story):
Là một học sinh của khoá học online, Bella muốn thanh toán học phí bằng cách chuyển khoản bằng internet banking
Trong tài …
package com.project.sky.features.login;
import net.serenitybdd.junit.runners.SerenityRunner;
import net.serenitybdd.screenplay.Actor;
import net.serenitybdd.screenplay.abilities.BrowseTheWeb…
For my project, it requires to use Serenity with Cucumber +Junit. People in team doesn't want to apply Screenplay pattern in framework.
So i see that most of available template project of Serenity is…
Hi. Really appreciate this great package.
Could you please tell, Is there a way to use a cyrillic font to write and export/preview to pdf a russian screenplay?
There is a cyrillic courier prime here…
ghost updated
5 years ago
Phục vụ cho mục đích scale testing.
- ### 2-3 good android screenplay graphics _(angled like below, portrait, landscape)_
I am a blind screen reader user, using the free and open source screen reader [NVDA](https://www.nvaccess.org/download/) on Windows. When I try and open up a new screenplay, or view an existing one, i…