**Seiscomp version:** Jakarta 2018.327.13
**OS:** Arch Linux
**Boost version:** 1.69.0
-- The following required Boost components are missing:
-- * boost_signals
CMake Error at Modules…
ghost updated
5 years ago
I noticed that the files [magnitudemap.cpp](https://github.com/SeisComP3/seiscomp3/blame/master/src/gui-qt4/libs/seiscomp3/gui/datamodel/magnitudemap.cpp#L168) and [originlocatormap.cpp](https://githu…
Brtle updated
5 years ago
while testing the token system, I realized that the different EIDA nodes do not provide the same error messages for FDSNWS requests to restricted data without a token.
ODC, LMU and INGV node c…
For amplitude measurements made at a distinct time (generic amplitudes, ML amplitudes etc.) the QuakeMLs do not obviously link to the time that the measurement is taken at. QuakeML amplitudes do not i…
Client: ObsPy 1.1.1, fdsn.RoutingClient, Python 3.5.3
Auth: eidatoken
Here is a station list i generated today with get_stations() from the RoutingClient. It seems that all the stations that are a…
Dear developers,
I would like to ask if seiscomp3 code base provides already API for waveform data projection into ZRT domain, the same way as the Picker GUI does (there it is possible to easily sw…
When I try to read xml file of Seiscomp3, I get this error.
_read_float_var(temp / channel.sample_rate, ClockDrift)
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'NoneType' and 'SampleR…
User story:
_As a seismic duty officer I want to know which GeoNet SeisComP3 magnitude to use and how to adjust it so that I can provide a magnitude value representative of Mw in the first few minu…
I have been trying to compile the latest SC3 sources on Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial but come up with this error which I am not sure how to solve. Any assistance would be appreciated.
[ 25%] Linking CXX sha…
j73wa updated
6 years ago
The attached file has 7 picks associated with an event, but this is what I get when I use obspy.io.seiscomp._read_events() to read it:
``` python
from obspy import read_events