Hi,I want to test the performance of cryptographic algorithms for SM2/SM3/SM4.
Now,I tested the performance of cryptographic algorithms for SM3/SM4 by “openssl speed -evp sm3/sm4”
".RM2/.SM2 editing support of the Crash TwinSanity demo"
...but nope lol
Is it from a specific version?
make test时候,卡死在../test/recipes/25-test_pkcs7.t .................... 1/3这个上;
sudo make install的时候,
sed -i '1i\CERT_DIR=$(INSTALLTOP)/tassl_demo/cert/' $(GEN_SM2_CERT_FILE).sh
sed -i '1i\OPENSSL_DIR=…
k214k updated
2 years ago
待验签字符串:sortString = 'appId=19E179E5DC29C05E65B90CDE57A1C7E5&data={"acct":"15717914505","devImei":"ce82f0ff5afe40b39fa339d53a84d39d","devMol":"iPhone 6s Plus","deviceToken":"8da8d387b530643e1aa0509c3f…
使用 “gmssl sm2sign -key sm2.pem -pass 12345678 -out sm2.sig -id 1234567812345678
Why openssl3.0 cannot support sm2 engine?
I use the `ParseCertificate` to parse the gmnode.crt and the `SignatureAlgorithm` is `UnknownSignatureAlgorithm`. When I try to `CheckSignatureFrom` using gmagency.crt, it turns out with an error: `x5…
We're going to migrate to the ASN.1 format for SM2 ciphertext to adhere to this standard:
The computation of `z` in `sm2/mod.rs` assumes some fixed user ID. I believe this is not in accordance to the standard of sm2 and so we need modification.
fn get_z(q: PubKey) -> [u32; 8] {
### Description
The following code: