ixxmu updated
2 years ago
### Packages tests metrics information
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Thought it might be helpful to have a place to track feedback / suggestions on the new [materials landing page](https://bootstrapworld.org/materials/fall2021/en-us/index-new.shtml?subject=math).
## Summary
snl.estimate_accuracy(phase="last") returns:
KeyError: 'Value of Fatal or Recovered was not specified with keyword arguments.'
## Codes
import covsirphy as cs
# Dataset …
## Summary
cs.Scenario fit_predict returns _TypeError: @kappa value must be an instance of , but was applied._
Scenario Phase Type Start End Population ODE Rt theta kapp…
### Packages tests information
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As the wave amplitude rises past a certain point, the wave probe readings drift upwards:
Hi All, Please help me to utilize the CovsirPhy for US County Level COVID-19 Impact Assessment.
My aim is to index all 3142 US counties as per the impact of COVID-19.
I can request the local hea…
## Summary
When we run "snl.estimate_accuracy()" without snl.trend(), such as in case of manually adding change points and estiamting SIR-F values. CovSirPhy shows an error message Please` **execute …
## Summary
Decision tree regressor for forecasting shows overfitting.
Train score (0.857) >> Test score (-0.670) in the following example. (Italy, today=06Jun2021)
## Codes