As of today, all the solidity typing using strict versioning, like so:
pragma solidity 0.8.20
While this is perfect for deploying contracts at a specific pragma, what needs t…
- [x] market.curiostorage.com rate endpoint
- [x] solidity contract with tests
- [x] Go-Solidity Signature verification testing
- [x] Premium-ID generation
- [x] upload contract to c…
### What is the feature you would like to see?
Add ERC1155Holder contract ([solidity](https://docs.openzeppelin.com/contracts/5.x/api/token/erc1155#ERC1155Holder)).
### Contribution Guidelines
- [X…
#### Problem to Solve
Staking.sol's `createValidator(bytes calldata pubkey)` function has been replaced with `createValidator(bytes32 x, bytes32 y, bytes calldata signature)`. The old function is sti…
Decoding of V1 vs V2 system contract signatures is a bit messy and spread over multiple files, making it hard to study and maintain.
Move things around so that they're more clearly understood. P…
Hello, I'm encountering issues building a solidity contract using the hardhat backend of [`solidity-compiler`](https://github.com/themartiancompany/solidity-compiler).
In particular the error log m…
We need to test the following Solidity contracts: Near2EthClient, Near2EthProver, Locker, and their interaction with each other (and ERC20) by using mocks. Specifically we need to check for each inte…
# `EthosAttestation:: _keccakForCreateAttestation` Can Be Manipulated
### Summary
`EthosAttestation:: _keccakForCreateAttestation` passes strings which are dynamic values to abi.enc…
**Github username:** @0xmahdirostami
**Twitter username:** 0xmahdirostami
**Submission hash (on-chain):** 0x043ecfb1a268e58df701e8b70701f98617a303ba8adf0501e03b0b0510d645bb
**Severity:** low
# FATExDAO Protocol
**We are looking for an experienced DeFi developer to update our smart contracts to V2 - If the contractor would like to join the team full-time, that is an option.**
# Proje…