The Lightning talks usually consist of multiple talks by different speakers about different topics. I think we should split up the lightning talks video into multiple individual "talks" on RubyVideo. …
I've tried out running sorbet on our code base.
I've run into the following problem stemming from Twitter CLDR.
sorbet/rbi/hidden-definitions/hidden.rbi:175756: Method TwitterCldr::Segmenta…
I am trying to use this script to open a PR with a signed commit but I am having troubles actually getting the commit signed. The account I am using has a GPG key set up in github. What I've been tryi…
#### Input
See classes `Error1`, `Error2`, and `Error3`.
[→ View on sorbet.run](https://sorbet.run/#%23%20typed%3A%20strong%0A%0Aclass%20A%3B%20end%0Aclass%20B%20%3C%20A%3B%20end%0A%0Aclass%20Un…
### Description
The collection of the Ruby LSP information will not work, presumably because it assumes YJIT is available (e.g., doesn't work with TruffleRuby). I've collected it from another window …
**Describe the bug:**
This gem makes it impossible to set `T::Configuration.default_checked_level` in a Rails app.
I suspect this is the same issue as found and fixed here: https://github.com/so…
**Describe the bug:**
I'm getting the following error when trying to run `srb rbi hidden-definitions` after installing `sorbet-rails`:
Naming ActiveRecordTraceback (most recent call last):
#### Input
[→ View on sorbet.run](https://sorbet.run/#class%20FullChild%20V%3Dtype_member%0Asig%7Bparams%28f%3AFullChild%29%7D%0AV%3Dy%0Aend)
class FullChild V=type_member
**Describe the bug:**
On a freshly created Rails 7 API, when I setup Sorbet and Sorbet-Rails, there are a lot of errors detected by `srb tc` related to the generated RBI files: