I am wondering why we don't take into account important features like "volume", "high" and "low" in the state of StockTradingEnv.
Are these informations already in the tech indicators or in the tur…
Hi guys,
Let's say we are dealing with 10 stocks. Among them, I'm trying to implement an algorithm that forces the model to choose only 2 stocks to long and 2 stocks to short.
How would you be …
EnsembleAgent call env_stocktrading.StockTradingEnv with these agguments (with no num_stock_shares):
I think the merge on two dfs bellow must be "right" join, I test on df rows and the "right" join is correct
`# Merge stock price data and ratios into one dataframe
`processed_full = pd.DataFrame(c…
why is the "initial_amount" in Finrl.finrl.finrl_meta.env_stock_trading.env_stocktrad…
Hello, seems after pull #150 env_stocktrading is crashing , using FinRL_multiple_stock_trading notebook
df_account_value, df_actions = DRLAgent.DRL_prediction(
I have trained the TD3 & DDPG models using fundamental data. However, i found error in this repo when I checking the logging data: df_actions. The model only bought stocks in the few first day…
I run the code:df_summary = ensemble_agent.run_ensemble_strategy(A2C_model_kwargs,
I just changed the DOW30 Data to DAX data in the FinRL_Ensemble_StockTrading_ICAIF_2020 file.
`df = YahooDownloader(start_date = '2009-01-01',
end_date = '2021-07-06…
I have a little questoin about the tutorials. In the FinRL_StockTrading_NeurIPS_2018.ipynb, there is a config.DOW_30_TICKER when we are trying to fetch the data. I am not exactly sure, but I faile…