The programmer-oriented documentation is out of date (15+ years old). After spending three or four weeks with the code, I am realizing that we are in need of documentation that will provide an overvie…
### # Can't parse **``** node data. Its giving following error,
com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: BEGIN_OBJECT expected, but met NAME
Thanks @andyeck1 for your sketches [here](https://github.com/OpeningDesign/Stephan_Brady_Balcony/blob/d170d7ed04941e2bf4621dbcee7193211e02b96f/Transfer/20150527%20-%20sketches%20from%20ntrive/20150527…
> IfcPressureMeasure is a measure of the quantity of a medium acting on a unit area.
> Usually measured in Pascals (Pa, N/m2).
> IfcPlanarForceMeasure is a measure of force on an area.
> …
In #132 we set some fields to be non-editable in the web maps. We've also hidden certain fields, e.g. #159. With the republishing of feature services, in _Fall 2019_, this issue serves to centralize a…
Symmetric rank-4 tensors are used in both elasticity and anisotropic flow laws. A common problem I've encountered is if the rank-4 tensor is no longer positive definite (i.e., the eigenvalues of the o…
These comments on the sections related to black box models made on the version which was live on Friday 8 November 2024. The sections outlined below are what was covered.
- [ ] A…
[The real problem is the 'requirements problem'](https://developers.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=21288532&cid=62514836) ([…
When encoding neural network configurations for genetic algorithms or other evolutionary strategies, the choice of representation format plays a crucial role in the efficiency and effectiveness of the…
I can't see any Transfer Buttons or anything else related to this in my Ship Right Click Menus. Log attached as requested.
Kerbal Space Program - (WindowsPlayer) Steam
OS: Windows 7 …