I want to create an application to manage Student details using C#
find an app who create directly avatar as https://avachara.com/avatar/
==> http://kiwepdemo.herokuapp.com/media/profile/avatar.png
Let users select if they are students or alumni
Add the following to the profile page:
- classes taken
- order replacement certificate
- order history
- recent pages visited
**Describe the bug**
Student alumni who have had multiple roles at the CDH appears to have their profile listed twice in the alumni section — currently Stephanie, Dylan, Kate Carpenter, etc.
Is musmstudentprofiles.mercer.edu too long? Or just too hard to parse?
As a student/faculty member, I want to access another student profile so I can see their information.
Find, list and fix all bugs possible
We want to build this one page website: https://sep.4geeksacademy.com
We want to build it with react using [this boilerplate](https://github.com/alesanchezr/react-scripted-template) that has no web…