Hi Charlie,
this issue is quite off, but I have no idea where is proper place to ask ...
I am sure, that there are more like me, silently watching progress and hoping, that alternative firmware will…
The repository name is the same as the person who write the code
Ok, so i'm sure this isn't really an issue, but i was really hoping to find out where i could go to learn how to use this scripting method?
`cause what i'm doing so far is inadequate.
Bruh, why use Sqrt at all, it is just something to the power of a half
getEvents is not well written. Years and plots should not be required or mutually exclusive. Also currently `plot.type` does nothing.
![2563-03-02_09 13 49](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/61539598/75640146-94239180-5c66-11ea-8be8-ae0b5118408b.png)
Translucent off
![2563-03-02_09 14 20](https://user-images.githubusercont…
only works on ur pc fix ur damn game!!
Do we need to install ?
Uses [Markdig](https://github.com/xoofx/markdig) for the markdown conversion
Uses VSTO to integrate with Outlook
thank you for the help
It says my IQ is 88, which is clearly wrong and should be set to -∞
#ValvePleaseFix #LiterallyUnplayable
kvm_amd needs ccp. that's really stupid. blocking ccp will also disable kvm.
need to find a way to use kvm on amd without ccp.