At least the ones with a population greater than NYC.
[List of countries, by population](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_population):
_Fetched 7/14/2013_
- [x] China
- [ ] Indi…
@jvoermans here are some scripts you may use:
Those are:
- python 2.7
- ugly
- brittle
- not ready for release…
this library started to be an interest of mine since I investigate areas of low backscatter on ocean surfaces.
Since I started to use the library, I came across image artifacts that are rel…
I came across this issue where incorrect values are returned in this weird blocky pattern when I run `terra::project` on a SpatRaster, but this only starts to happen after that SpatRaster start…
- [x] I've **verified** and **I assure** that I'm running youtube-dl **2016.04.19**
- [x] At least skimmed through [README](https://github.com/rg3/youtube-dl/blob/master/README.md) and **most notably*…
- [x] 马耳他
- [x] 塞浦路斯
- [x] 卡塔尔
- [x] 拉脱维亚
- [x] 巴哈马
- [x] 毛里求斯
- [ ] 直布罗陀
- [x] 摩纳哥
- [x] 马尔代夫
- [x] 塞班
- [x] 尼加拉瓜
- [x] 东帝汶
- [x] 梵蒂冈
- [x] 圣马力诺
- [x] 巴林
- [x] 安道尔
- [x] 文莱
Another addition that would be amazing is if the visibility between vertices could be configured to run on spherical geometry rather than Euclidean. Currently the solution works better for smaller dis…
The data/iso-3166-2.json file is missing entries for AW, AX, BL, BV, CC, CS, CW, CX, EH, HM, MF, NC, NF, PF, SJ, and SX. I could be wrong, but it seems like this list is intended to include all codes …
How can I add an integration with region servers that are not on the current list ?
cn(default), de, i2, ru, sg, tw, us
is there a way to add them ?
Re documentation:
> THe EGDI platform by default displays maps and data sets in projection EPS…