Hi all,
This error have been found by @blaugueux when using [swarrot](https://github.com/swarrot/swarrot).
The warning :
PHP Warning: AMQPExchange::publish(): Ignoring non-string array member …
I have not actually run the code, but I think that this https://github.com/swarrot/swarrot/blob/master/src/Swarrot/Processor/Retry/RetryProcessor.php#L55 does not work.
First, the php-amqplib expects …
ExceptionCatcherProcessor should always be pushed at the end of the stack.
Because, if you use AckProcessor with the option 'requeue_on_error' to true and that you have only Exception job in your qu…
since latest commit , we have a problem on composer update
here is the stacktrace
Exception trace:
() at /Users/xav/Workspace/Sites/vhosts/redpill/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/…
Sometimes it makes sense to have a same consumer receiving several types of messages, and then behaving differently depending on the `routing_key`.
A simple use case could be a log consumer that list…
Hi there,
I recently came across an exception for one of my consumers, ran through a Symfony command
``` console
(unknown error)
``` console
Can you tell me when do I have to declare my queues and exchangers using swarrot and the base command from swarrot-bundle ?
In php 5.3 a lambda function is not aware of the context :
processor subtree packages are depending on `swarrot/swarrot`, which in turns replaces all subtrees. This means that the subtre packages can never be installed by composer. It will always ned to insta…
stof updated
10 years ago
#### ProcessorInterface
``` php
interface ProcessorInterface
* __invoke
* @param Message $message The message given by a MessageProvider
* @param array $options An a…