Does Swin_IR also work for colored JPEG images for JPEG_CAR problem? If yes, how to use it?
Also any tested U-net structure like scunet?
I edit the window batch file with the line: set COMMANDLINE_ARGS=--api, so that I could use the plugin but doesn't work. How could I fix it?
Here is the result after I add the command line
**Describe the bug**
I'm using [this ONNX file](https://huggingface.co/rocca/swin-ir-onnx/resolve/main/003_realSR_BSRGAN_DFO_s64w8_SwinIR-M_x4_GAN.onnx) for [this browser-based SwinIR super-resolutio…
Need of feature :-
Will increase use of transformers in Computer Vision task, we need a way to efficient apply attention mechanism for images (unlike vision transformer which calculate attention for…
SD launched with DirectML, works and launches normally with this bug but inpainting doesn't work
> *** Error loading script: preprocessor_inpaint.py
> Traceback (most recent call last):
Hi, I'm wondering why first train stage1 and stage2 model with codeformer degradation, and then train stage1 model with RealESRGAN degradation. Intuitively, it will cause input distribution shift of s…
Thank you for the great research and the work.
I can do my testing with no problem using BasicSR as well. However, I was wondering if we can have the HAT-L model as a stand-alone script so …
(diffbir) E:\AI>python e:\ai\diffbir\inference.py --config E:\AI\DiffBIR\configs\model\cldm.yaml --ckpt E:\AI\DiffBIR\ckpt --reload_swinir --swinir_ckpt E:\AI\DiffBIR\ckpt --steps 50 --input E:\AI\Dif…
我有一个问题想请教一下。文章里提到:“During inference, we replace our trained restoration mod- ule with off-the-shelf task-specific restoration models: BSR- Net [73]2 for BSR, SwinIR [29]3 used in DifFace [67] …