In the french version of QGEP (german not tested, we should use the attributes "K_STRICKLER" and "K_COLEBROOK" and not "coefficient_de_friction" and "coefficient_de_rugosité", if not:
- The units a…
I have some problems in using shp_to_inp function. I'm trying to create an .inp project from shp.files, that were made in ArcGIS. Every my shp.file (poligon, line, outfall, point files) has the…
I am calibrating a simple SWMM model with SCEUA and am having trouble understanding the behavior of the algorithm. In the figure below, the first line shows the objective function and the others show …
I think it's time to dream up an Input API that will find its way into the formal distribution of SWMM. :)
@rkertesz @fmyers @michaeltryby
The current regression testing framework is useful for development that doesn't alter simulation results. From time to time, however, it is necessary to make a change to the core SWMM engine to add a …
Hi Aerispaha,
I found that when I run SWMM in parallel, it fails randomly. For example, if I run 500 cases in parallel, 0-20 out of 500 may not getting any results and prompt 303 error: not compati…
Hey @bemcdonnell, just wanted to check and see if there is any desire for integrated GIS-like functionality in pyswmm.
Some functionality that could be convenient to have:
- Find links/nodes ups…
More people contribute to [pyswmm](https://pyswmm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) compared to swmmr, which we currently use in different projects.
However, [pyswmm](https://pyswmm.readthedocs.io/en/la…
SWMM currently has a file that looks like this:
But the GUI has each of these t…