I tried the microspeech example on esp32, It is working with the default model file but when I change the model file it doesn't run, So can you let me know how to train a custom model for micr…
Hi @KeswaniMahesh @mahesh-keswani
Actually I had implemented the Tflite Module in my flutter app but i am getting an error
and i want to know in my python project i had developed a model with…
I have trained a new tiny-yolo model whose input size is 608 on coco dataset.
Hence I have changed the line below
**super(assetManager, "mymodel.tflite", "coco.txt", 608);**
also changed
Use the below vocab to use it with encoder/decoder model
dependencies": {
"react": "16.13.1",
"react-native": "0.63.0",
"react-native-image-picker": "^2.3.2",
"tflite-react-native": "0.0.5"
target 'TFDemo' do
pod 'TensorFlowL…
Hi, cuz I'm using in flutter
referring by this: https://pub.dev/packages/tflite
I just used below command in flutter
res = await Tflite.loadModel(
model: "assets/yolov4-416-…
Message =
"Could not find the type 'ObjCRuntime.Registrar' in the assembly 'TensorFlowLite'."
Source =
StackTrace =
" at ObjCRuntime.RegistrarHelper.GetMapEntry(String assemblyNam…
Hello, I have this problem when I'm trying to use the sample code on my image. Here is the code I have.
Future _imageIsApproved(File croppedImage) async {
FirebaseModelInterpreter inter…
Example notebooks — Torch-TensorRT v1.4.0dev0+544654f documentation
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