I am new to Selenium learning to generate reports from Allure please help me I have downloaded the latest Allure file for windows, have set the bin path in Environmental variables) .I h…
### TestNG Version
### Expected behavior
I should be able use a value from data provider and use it as a custom test name
### Actual behavior
The Test method name appears in emailabl…
Вылетает ошибка
mvn package
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building demo 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] -…
ghost updated
4 years ago
### TestNG Version
### Expected behavior
Inside the TEST-mytestname.xml when it's running with JUnit 4
### Actual behavior
Inside the TEST-mytest…
### What happened?
FAILED: terabase.desginPro.api.APITest.getAccessToken
at net.serenitybdd.rest.utils.RestDecorationHelper.decorate(RestDecorationHelper.java…
I had made all necessary changes for extent report in Runner class. Also, added dependencies for the same in pom.xml.
Since, I am also using parallel plugin, I also added following information in c…
I hit java.util.ConcurrentModificationException: null when im using extentreport with Maven and testNG
Hi Anshoo,
Sorry not an issue, just wanted to reach you on for some help!
We need some test examples for version 3 on how to use extent reports when there are multiple class files and running it…
Currently a successful test run with all tests green generates a lot of noisy console output which has the potential to mask real issues and also causes doubt newcomers.
A successful build/test run…
I am getting error in below line
driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL("http://localhost:4444/wd/hub" ), capabilities);