Pikaday supports only dates, so maybe Flatpickr could be itegrated instead.
It would make sense to have separate time fields too with the ability to define the steps between the time values.
Des: As a guest, I want to be able to pick the date of booking entry and leaving.
With a calendar for easier picking choice making and indication. I will add a picture.
no display hours
my code:
f.input :start_date, as => :ui_date_time_picker, :input_html => { :class => 'ui-datetime-picker', :size => 20 }
used activeadmin
kingM updated
10 years ago
We have a popup calendar and a popup time picker. We need to combine them for the date+time picker. Lets start by stacking them vertically. So calendar on the top with the time picker below.
If you use bootstrap a new datetime picker is needed. Different client time date is a problem with the common bootstrap components. New version 9.3 removes the old date picker also.
### Steps to reproduce
Link to live example: https://mui.com/x/react-date-pickers/date-time-picker/#basic-usage
1. Pick some date/time value (e.g. 10/17/2024 12:00 AM).
2. Paste some da…
I cannot get the very basic input to work in my Angular 17 Application.
` Gültig ab`
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and i have `OwlDateTimeModule, OwlNativeDateTimeModule` in my imports.
#### Feature
Provide styling for:
- [ ] `input type="date"` with `date-picker` & / or `time-picker` components. #53
- [ ] `input type="datetime-local"` with `date-picker` & / or `time-picker` compo…
Is it possible to do this somehow?
### Steps to reproduce
Link to live example: [(required)](https://mui.com/x/react-date-pickers/date-time-range-picker/)
It can be reproduced on the official website, for any DateTimeRangePicker.