- TC_001
- TC_002
- TC_003
- TC_004
- TC_005
- TC_006
- TC_007
Test Cases:
Reference for more details
Add an env variable that would switch off sending weekly surveys for work periods. Similar like we can switch off payments https://github.com/topcoder-platform/taas-apis/blob/hotfix/send-survey-workpe…
Go to https://platform.topcoder-dev.com/self-service/work/new/website-design/basic-info
Check the banner on top of the page
In the Design it has an image but in the app the image i…
Background information: Under the CCPA user must be allowed to access a “form” to request their data or delete their account. The idea would be to create buttons on the profile that enable these actio…
Let's sum up permission rules here.
| **Endpoint** | **Topcoder User** | **Booking Manager** | **Connect Manager** |
| `GET /taas-teams` | ☑️ `Only when member of the project` | ✅ …
1. Open the application https://test-community-app.topcoder-dev.com/challenges
Endpoints `GET /v5/projects/:projectId/members`, `GET /v5/projects/:projectId/members/:id`, `PATCH /v5/projects/:projectId/members/:id` can return additional member details like 'photoURL', 'workingHo…
When activating a legacy challenge the legacy processor throws 500 error because of missing billing account (`Billing/PO Number is null/empty`.)
As a temporary solution, the V5 Challenge API will c…
Steps to reproduce:
1)Go to https://www.topcoder.com/
2)Click on how it works link
3)Click on hire freelancers.
4)A dialog box appears with seconds count down.
5)Leave the seconds to complete and…