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## 简单描述这个 Bug
环境:有公网ip的家庭宽带,hyperV虚拟机,ubuntu 18.04 桌面版。桥接虚拟交换机,固定ip。
go-shadowsocks2 currently supports Netfilter TCP redirect, it would be terrific if it can support UDP redirect.
shadowsocks-libev already has it supported, and it only works on Linux kernels with T…
想用原生tproxy客户端,目前没有ACL支持的话,那得启动两个进程?一个tproxy接了转给server,一个本地server ACL分流后转发给vps?感觉有点蛋疼
### Verify Steps
- [X] Tracker 我已经在 [Issue Tracker](……/) 中找过我要提出的问题
- [X] Branch 我知道 OpenClash 的 Dev 分支切换开关位于插件设置-版本更新中,或者我会手动下载并安装 Dev 分支的 OpenClash
- [X] Latest 我已经**使用最新 Dev 版本**测试过,问题依旧存在
- [X] R…
The following code seems to make IPv4 assumptions, though it could in theory be run in an environment where IPv4 is completely disabled in the daemon:
### Verify steps
- [X] I have read the [documentation](https://wiki.metacubex.one/) and understand the meaning of all configuration items I have written, avoiding a large number of seemingly useful o…
I'm trying to build your project from source for an ARM device. Mostly successful, but the go build of the initializer fails with the following messages:
I followed the steps on https://chaos-mesh.org/docs/simulate-http-chaos-on-kubernetes/#tls to generate files includes server.key, server.crt and ca.crt stored in directory `/usr/local`.
All my operat…
Is transparent proxy possible under OFP ?
slow path transparent proxy can be achieved with some iptables PREROUTING, [TPROXY](https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/networking/tproxy.txt) rules an…