Currently there is no notification when your trello token (member token) expires. There is just the
KeyError that is raised when your key is invalid:
trollolo burndown …
This ticket has been migrated from the Trello board following discussion with Zeynep.
Further details from the Trello board have been copied in the comment below. This ticket will be further refined …
Import fails with the following traceback message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/peter/tmp/env_trello_migration/bin/trello-to-deck", line 52, in
createdBoard = api.c…
## Summary
It would be nice to add time tracking to a Card.
Similar like this:
## How important this is to me and wh…
- TRELLO_API_KEY=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- TRELLO_OAUTH_TOKEN=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# Welcome, Léllé! :sun_with_face:
Onboarding check-list for TPS: https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/tps-project-management
Notes/Turing Specific for Léllé
Project board: https://github…
┆Attachments: http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/42777/charset_support.htm#.WtKiS0lJbYu.trello | https://trello.com/c/…
Our team is looking to move from Trello to Planka, but we found some essential features in our workflow are missing. We plan on integrating most of these features over the next couple of months and op…
Hey guys,
Since we are starting with the actual coding now, we need to have a good framework in place for making sure we don't work on the same thing. I'd like people to keep posting enhancement-tagg…
- **What sort of mod would you like to see? Please be as specific and detailed
as possible.**
Crowd Control is a Twitch extension that allows viewers to spend points for in-game effects. There c…