Очень хорошо.
1. Конфигурацию ELK рекомендую слегка изменить. [Вот тут](https://github.com/sergei-tolshin/ugc_part_2/blob/f21fa7fa41233a6e24f5fa069c0f3bc2fb5d485f/elk/deploy/logstash.conf#L28) вы вс…
here are the old(black) versus new(magenta) h50 and h90 values:
some flipbooks for the outliers:
With one Android Uno board the UGCS interacts appropriately. However with another board UGCS acts differently.
Once the USB to the Arduino is connect to the computer and the "open" button is sel…
![Glitch](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/773985236214974944/BE610E77336DDFAC9E04D71294324EFEBBF70243/ "Logo Title Text 1")
In September 2019, Google [announced `rel=sponsored` and `rel=ugc`](https://webmasters.googleblog.com/2019/09/evolving-nofollow-new-ways-to-identify.html) (user generated content) to make the purpose …
### For?
### What can't you do?
At the moment if you want users to submit things like custom levels from an ingame editor, you have to make your own backend. That means maintenance, fees, and…
Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: NestMember requires ASM7
at org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor.visitNestMember(ClassVisitor.java:251)
at org.objectweb.asm.ClassRea…
Hi there,
Thanks for the great library. I have been stumped on how to use `AttachUgc` with a leaderboard for a day or so now and I am unable to work out from the documentation/issues history avail…
![Screenshot_2024-07-17-17-38-34-820_com ss android ugc aweme](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/7c41337b-f688-4288-b8ab-561b40cb96ad)
请问一下这个控件如何屏蔽 有什么关键词吗