Hey all,
I integrated the new Viessmann Thermostat Valve. I have some questions for the received data.
The piHeatingDemand data should be between 0-255. and z2m use some math to get percent valu…
Is there a way to have OGCS load when outlook is started? I know there is an option to load OGCS with "Start on login..." but I do not want to have outlook load on windows startup. …
I have been developing in ms-access since 1.0 and write big applications. However programming has evolved and I am finding myself encountering rafts of concepts that are ported in from other environm…
Hallo I am keep getting an Error for different scripts her an exampl script:
`tickers = gettickers('mdax')
days = 30
returns, symbols = [], []
klines = {}
for ticker in tickers[]:
• Können Varianten, so wie Direktinput, abgespeichert werden? Einfach ebenfalls Formatierung zuweisen?
• Wie weiß ich, ob gerade jemand am Plusenergieexcel arbeitet? Kann man evtl. Download sperren, …
### User Stories
As a VBA editor, I need to be able to create a campaign landing page to make Veterans and their families aware of a specific, targeted campaign.
### Acceptance Criteria
- [x] Test …
Use this page for any questions or discussion that does not need a separate issue.
Visual Behavior project team has indicated they want additional data fields returned in AllenSDK.
- [x] get that request from the team so that we can start to plan how to return that data.
- […
Referring your C code at https://renenyffenegger.ch/notes/development/languages/VBA/Calling-DLLs/return-char-array
__declspec(dllexport) BSTR __stdcall bstr() {
return SysAllocString(L"Th…
## GetReferences
- 参照設定しているライブラリ名の一覧を返す関数。
## ValidateReferences
- 参照設定が参照不可のライブラリがあればfalseを返す関数。
## 参考URL