This Plugin is not working with Vite 3.1.0. I think it's related to [this commit](https://github.com/vitejs/vite/commit/2d2f2e5)
HHC26 updated
4 months ago
经过一段时间的尝试,打算放弃antd pro而使用vben,目前唯一的问题是生产环境使用vite不是很好,请问有计划适配vue-cli吗?
vite2版本,报错TypeError: defaultLoader is not a function
failed to load config from /Documents/vue-vben-admin/vite.config.ts
error when starting dev server:
TypeError: defaultLoader is not a funct…
可能由于`vite`本身生态不是很完善,整体程序非常清晰可控,但是`build`目录的脚手架代码心智负担实在太大,做任何一点修改都要去点到各种地方改代码,建议或者可以考虑使用`vue-cli`,或者`yargs`再封装一个轮子? 尤其类似`preserve.ts`这种检查目录名称,依赖更新或者`changelog.ts`什么的感觉写着没多大意义
I've been looking all over with no luck. This code runs on a `service-worker.js` file inside `src` folder.
chrome.action.onClicked.addListener((tab) => {
if (tab.id) {
## Background
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## Proposal
Describe the solution you'd like, better to provide some pseudo code.
◉ yarn serve
yarn run v1.22.10
$ npx --max_old_space_size=4096 vite
failed to load config from /Users/tomato/Sites/vue-test/vue-vben-admin/vite.config.ts
error when starting dev server:
Error: C…
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vite2+vue3+ts项目,全局注册了Toast组件,但是在子组件中无法使用,提示Toast is not defined
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