Vulnerable Library - pymongo-3.7.1-cp37-cp37m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl
Python driver for MongoDB
Library home page: https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/49/da/5ddfc781dc566e7d931eb73f6f31d7d410384c…
# Handle
# Vulnerability details
## Impact
The protocol specification specifies that the Security Multisig controls the pause/unpause functionality of three functions Loan.fundLoan(), Po…
# Handle
# Vulnerability details
## Impact
The protocol specification specifies that the Security Multisig controls the pause/unpause functionality of three functions Loan.fundLoan(), Po…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Use the Gitblit Go distribution with the bundled Jetty Server
## CVE-2020-26160 - High Severity Vulnerability
Vulnerable Library - github.com/docker/distribution-v2.7.1
The toolkit to pack, ship, store, and deliver container content
Library home page: https://…
## CVE-2016-9121 - Medium Severity Vulnerability
Vulnerable Library - github.com/docker/distribution-v2.7.1
The toolkit to pack, ship, store, and deliver container content
Library home page: https:/…
## Summary:
There is a DOM-based XSS in MarkText allowing arbitrary JavaScript code to run in the context of MarkText main window. This vulnerability can be exploited if a user copies text from a m…
# Handle
# Vulnerability details
## Impact
There are unused imports. They will increase the size of deployment with no real benefit. Consider removing unused imports to save some gas. Exam…
# Handle
# Vulnerability details
For the arithmetic operations that will never over/underflow, using the unchecked directive (Solidity v0.8 has default overflow/underflow checks) can save…
**Github username:** --
**Twitter username:** --
**Submission hash (on-chain):** 0x3623a79abc05af6b1beff84c2a0c07eec3a8fc1f6dc22f411ced2385518c9b51
**Severity:** medium