I encountered the following problem when trying to Build and run on GVSoC after Use DORY to generate the C code.
DORY_network/src/main.c:42:10: fatal error: tools/frame_streamer.h: No such fil…
**Describe the bug**
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
config show in query by ip but not show in query by data id & group
**Running the command:**
python opencv/platforms/apple/build_xcframework.py --contrib opencv_contrib --out opencv_deploy --iphoneos_archs arm64 --iphonesimulator_archs arm64 --macos_archs arm64 …
1. 网络不通,需要通过代理访问
2. 微信官方支持多个接入点,可根据需要自行选择
1. 通用域名(api.weixin.qq.com),使用该域名将访问官方指定就近的接入点;
2. 通用异地容灾域名(api2.weixin.qq.com),当上述域名不可访问时可改访问此域名;
3. 上海域名(sh…
http://mp.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/indexpage?t=wxm-index&lang=zh_CN 获得的是404
fzhan updated
10 years ago
**Describe the bug**
Naming local cache may be ignored in a rare scenario. So even when local cache is not empty, user's invocation would still get exception.
**Expected behavior**
If loc…
// BorderView.swift
// Ceshi
// Created by 荆文征 on 16/7/20.
// Copyright © 2016年 timer. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
class InspectView:UIView{
/// 是否展示上边框
I have started late with implementing Stripe (around v4 of the stripe gem) and I was always confused by the usage of tokens when creating card or bank account sources that is used all over this gem.