I've enabled hovering dropdowns and when using `add_filter( 'nav_menu_link_attributes', 'my_hover_dropdown_parent_link', 10, 4);` to allow href links on nav items and that works fine but then th…
Incorrect data in title attribute and it’s causing problems in some cases.
A client once filed me a bug regarding with the title attribute issue. There seems a problem between these lines
Actually I am new in Laravel .
I tried to run this command php artisan ui bootstrap but an exception has occured.
local.ERROR: copy(C:\xampp\htdocs\Connect\resources\js/bootstrap.js…
When I create a long menu. On mobiles, you can't scroll and you can't see the bottom of the menu.
Added wp-bootstrap-navwalker class file and I have followed all the instructions given for the functions.php but I can not figure out how to work out the below navbar into my wp theme I am working on.…
#### Steps to reproduce the issue:
Followed instructions for installation of Nav Walker.
#### What I expected:
The code that I have in my mockups looks like this:
Does anyone encounter this kind of issue with ms edge/ie?
Looking forward t…
Good morning Holger.
Do you have plans to change to Font Awesome 5 (free) in understrap?
This walker class class is awesome!
Is there a way to add a nav-form to this code in the following way ?
include ('searchform-navbar.php');
#172 Issue is about..
- [x] a Question
- [x] I need help
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- **WordPress Version:** 5.3.0
- **OS Version:** MacOS Mojave
- **Browser:** all