As mentioned in #96 it may be helpful to add support for touch debouncing on the simple 4-wire resistive touch control mode (`DRV_TOUCH_SIMPLE`). I would still need to review the **STMPE610** and **XP…
im tyr to run squareline example on my 3.5" 8bit parallel tft diaplay using Adafruit_TouchScreen library but touch not working so what is a solution about it
I'm using teensy 4.0, and I connected only the touchscreen of the LCD 3.5" v1.0 (ili9488) by SPI in order to have a simple test.
I tested both examples with IRQ and without, in both cases, Data on…
Compiling with atom or VScode will result in the following error.
Hello everybody!
I’ve installed Volumio in my Raspberry Pi 2 Model B with a non-branded 3.5 inch GPIO display (XPT2046) . After first boot, initial config and Touch Display installed and enabled, I…
Warum habe ich nur dieses Bild?
Hello and thanks for your code.
Im trying to flash but im getting the folowing error.
Processing nodemcuv2_ota (platform: espressif8266; board: nodemcuv2; framework: arduino)
Any idea of your library might be compatible with this touch display?
### The problem
I'm using this touchscreen controller with the Inkplate 6 Plus with dimensions of 1024x758. By default, the display is in landscape instead of portrait, meaning the X max touchpoint i…