I trained a yolov3-spp model based on darkent, and at the same time I converted it to a tensorrt model, but I found that it has more false detections than tests based on darknet.
precision:float32, n…
ou525 updated
4 years ago
I use RTX 2080Ti, For yolov3-spp.cfg height=960 and width=960, subdivisions = 64, trainning no out of memory problem
I change to yolov4-custom.cfg height=960 and width=960, subdivisions=64, traini…
Higher mini_batch -> higher accuracy mAP/Top1/Top5.
Training on GPU by using CPU-RAM allows significantly increase the size of the mini batch 4x-16x times and more.
You can train with 16x higher…
Hi there,
the README states the following for the mask settings:
> But you should change indexes of anchors masks= for each [yolo]-layer, so that 1st-[yolo]-layer has anchors larger than 60x60, 2n…
请问支持哪些yolo模型? yolov3-tiny支持吗? yolov4,yolov4-tiny支持吗?谢谢
I trained two models for the same data.
I found that shallow model is very sensitive to imbalance compared to deep model.
model: yolo_v3_tiny_pan3_aa_ae_mixup_scale_giou.cfg (mixup = 0), very …
Hi @AlexeyAB,
I have a custom dataset that includes lots of small objects (20-30 pixels). I have tried training yolov3-spp with various input size: 416x416, 608x608, and even 704x704. There's a big…
Hi, I tried to transfer yolo3-spp pt file to onnx, and here is the error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Libtorch_yolo_to_onnx.py", line 779, in
File "Libtorch_yolo_to_…
## 🐛 Bug
When trying to convert a yolov3 model to Torch Script I get the following error:
` File "D:\python\lib\site-packages\torch\nn\modules\module.py", line 576, in __getattr__
hayoc updated
4 years ago