Recently I want to train a human detector based on your code. However, I cannot manage to run the training stripts provided. The error comes from a not provided `transform.json` fil…
Hi, I just found a issue when doing a quick start with tensorflow 1.8 cpu version.
andes@inspiron:~/PycharmProjects/AlphaPose-master$ ./run.sh --indir examples/demo/ --outdir examples/results…
Why in `AlphaPose/PoseFlow/utils.py` the area of the bounding boxes computed by the function `cal_bbox_iou` adds 1 to the measurements of the boxes?
And, in the `best_matching_hungarian` fun…
I have tried several pictures in the demo without any problem . But when I want to use the demo on larger data, the program goes down and the error info:
> 0it [00:00, ?it/s]
> pose estimation wi…
I guess first using poi_det to get person roi, and then individually estimate pose?
The pose estimate step using DetectAndTrack?
Hi! I have installed AlphaPose and run run.sh successfully. The output's performance is very good. However, I met a weird problem when I tried to finetune the model following your training guide in Al…
I find that I can run `AlphaPose` normally without `PoseFlow` component. What is the relationship between AlphaPose and PoseFlow ?
Thanks for sharing your code publicly. When I training in my own dataset, I face the following problems.
1. "module 'stn' not found". I have read your paper 'RMPE: Regional Multi-Person Pose Estimat…
### Issue Summary
There seems to be an experimental tracking module (for linking persons in following video frames to each other) in the code (master branch), but to the best of my knowledge it's not…