Azure Template should tag the QualiX and Execution server with the folowwing tags:
Key: "CreatedBy"
Value: "CloudShell"
Value: "Management"
like in AWS CloudFormation
1. Need to create a resource template JSON that will bootstrap our management network as described on the architecture page.
Testing only.
install Cloudshell on the office network, use Execution server without public ip in Azure to deploy vms.
Azure Client ID discription in the discovery form is missing a mention about help center or where to find the help
Have an reservation with deployed azure app
Add an azure app
Run deploy command
in azure portal wait for until the vm is created
In the cloudshell portal delete the app
The vm stays live i…
Create release branch for version 1.0 for cloudshell 7.1
If the prepare connectivity fails than we can have stale subnets left in Azure and it will block us from creating new reservations.
Need to add a hidden command on the CP that will clean up the sta…
1. Have an environment with 10 azure apps from costume image
2. Reserve the environment
3. Wait until the VMs has been created in azures portal resource group
4. before the vms has deployed i…
deploy a jenkins app from a Sandbox.
Image information:
Publisher: cloudbees
Offer: jenkins-enterprise
Sku: jenkins-enterprise