Experiment: using a GitHub issue+tasklists; this will be updated frequently; feel free to add comments; comments that are done will be hidden/collapsed; no actual discussions here, use existing or new…
To enforce [Allman / BSD style](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indentation_style#Allman_style) bracing instead of Java style bracing, i.e., all braces go on their own lines (as long as syntactically po…
I suspect I'm doing something stupid here, but...
\# uname -r
\# /compat/ubuntu/bin/gcc --version
gcc (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0
Copyright (C) 2019 Free Software Founda…
The sb-bsd-sockets contrib checks whether `getaddrinfo` is available at build-time, and if not, will fall back to using `hstrerror` to implement `sb-bsd-sockets::get-name-service-error-message`. Howev…
This error is thrown whenever you look up a host that doesn't exist, e.g. `(sb-bsd-sockets:get-host-by-name "nope.nadda")`. The error printing comes from `sb-bsd-sockets::get-name-service-error-messag…
There are (at lest) two files in the repository that are not licensed under the
New BSD License like the web page and the LICENCE file states.
The files and licences are:
- src/client/mac/handle…
There are (at lest) two files in the repository that are not licensed under the
New BSD License like the web page and the LICENCE file states.
The files and licences are:
- src/client/mac/handle…
There are (at lest) two files in the repository that are not licensed under the
New BSD License like the web page and the LICENCE file states.
The files and licences are:
- src/client/mac/handle…
There are (at lest) two files in the repository that are not licensed under the
New BSD License like the web page and the LICENCE file states.
The files and licences are:
- src/client/mac/handle…
When trying to import the demo data, I get the following error:
php bin/console oro:migration:data:load --fixtures-type=demo --env=prod
In LoadTransportData.php line 9: