import React,{useState,useEffect} from 'react';
import { fetchRegionData } from '../../api';
import {Line,Bar} from 'react-chartjs-2';
import styles from './Chart.module.css';
const Chart=…
I'm using chartjs latest version (2.7.2).
I'm using `offsetGridLines: true` to center my xAxes label (2016, 2017,...), but since i use this options, my points are not in the right position.
I've been researching for a couple of days now on how to configure the scaling of radar chart. It wasn't indicated in the chartjs docs and I can't find answers from stackoverflow. I need to widen the …
When using a stacked horizontal bar chart, there are many cases where a label from one bar overlaps another, which can be misleading and visually unappealing. It would be really nice to have an optio…
I use your plugin in combination with "chartjs-plugin-zoom" and I have bizarre behavior. When I zoom the element's bars overlap the Y-axis and don't get truncated like the example below.
Here you c…
List of charting libs and the layout algorithms seen in examples:
1. http://www.chartjs.org/
1. https://plot.ly/javascript/
1. http://n3-charts.github.io/line-chart/#/examples
1. http://nvd3.or…
[Video Demonstration](https://mail.google.com/mail/u/2/?ui=2&view=btop&ver=19btv31f0x5c4#attid%253Ddrv_0B_OS-PY8yjIpbEtmZzVUcjhzb3M)
Since the "progress bar" is actually a chart.js pie chart, chart…
Scale breaks(Axis breaks) can be used to shrink a particularly large segment and enhance readability for the smaller segments in your chart,
similarly like this (canvasjs)
put the trouble makes on the y-axis