Work on the Frontend Part of the Project and Build the Project to more like the Real life Project via Adding the Landing Page into the Frontend of the Website
### Description
The current login page could benefit from a UI enhancement to make it more visually appealing, user-friendly, and consistent with the overall theme of the website.
### Screenshots
- a page exists with the following fields: given name, family name, email, social security number, DOB
- the licensee needs to be able to access this page from somewhere--maybe the login page should h…
### Description
_Complete/delete as appropriate_
### User story
As a [ _persona_ ]
I want to [ _be able to …_ ]
So that I can [ _achieve this outcome_ ]
As a _researcher influen…
Hans will work on this
Design System > App Shell > Add new app shell as per figma design
### Description
Refactor the following tokens to be in alignment with Figma and code prior to completing the effort of #7180:
- [ ] Remove the following from `semantic > font`:
- [ ] letter…
Let's see if we can come up with a basic npm packaging format for simple WESL libraries so that JavaScript and TypeScript MVP users can get a taste of using stateless WESL libraries.
The packaging…
Add notes here as things come-up -- current thinking is:
1. Make this a relatively quick demo (Cult of Done)
2. Use LLMs for interactivity -- e.g. custom train Llama or use GPT-4 based on semantic t…