Hello guys, first off let me just say awesome job getting involved in the Covid data analysis effort! I have a couple questions and suggestions for yous (apols if the suggestions are something that yo…
**Preferred term label:**
Nodular-centrilobular without tree-in-bud pattern
**Definition (free text, please give PubMed ID)**
A nodular pattern on pulmonary high-resolution comp…
My SO is LineageOS based on AOSP. I can't run the app; it shows a banner "Es necesario disponer de una versión actualizada de Google Services".
This dependency is not needed and makes non-Google An…
Function: `select_obs`
Location: `Model.cpp`
Purpose: Computation of corrected incidences for cases and deaths time series
void select_obs(int& Npop, int& t_index, int& duration,…
This page doesn't really make sense since the Stay Home Order went live. Let's get rid of it:
- [x] Move [DMV question/answer](https://docs.google.com/document/d/15KOyQkAeyuowH7Tna226k9nAWwlw2PB6Jg…
**Preferred term label:**
Cytokine storm
**Parent term (use hpo.jax.org/app)**
Abnormality of cytokine secretion
see: https://github.com/obophenotype/mammalian-phenotype-ontology/issues/3209
OK, the IMHE model may have problems, so what other models are there? It's not the only one. One bad flattened curve model doesn't invalidate them all.
One of the earliest thorough studies I have f…
As eRouška uses Bluetooth as proximity sensor, all security flaws for Bluetooth on Android should be seriously evaluated and actions to ensure user security taken.
A lot of Android devices don't ge…
As the pandemic goes on, the earliest numbers of cases have less and less relevance to the current pool of infected and the spread of the disease. I think it makes sense to replace the current lifetim…
HP:0025121(Simple partial occipital seizures)\
Parent: HP:0002349(Focal aware seizure)\
Suggestion: Delete this term, it does not fit within a phenotypic classification, it is an anatomical classifica…