Currently eBooks are either installed using a low-level command line
interface (adb push) or they can be downloaded using a web browser on the
device. We will want to make the process significantl…
If you type:
easy_install recaptcha-client
It will fetch a tarball from here:
Which will fail to install because ez_setup.py is not included.
If you type:
easy_install recaptcha-client
It will fetch a tarball from here:
Which will fail to install because ez_setup.py is not included.
Currently eBooks are either installed using a low-level command line
interface (adb push) or they can be downloaded using a web browser on the
device. We will want to make the process significantl…
Currently eBooks are either installed using a low-level command line
interface (adb push) or they can be downloaded using a web browser on the
device. We will want to make the process significantl…
Currently eBooks are either installed using a low-level command line
interface (adb push) or they can be downloaded using a web browser on the
device. We will want to make the process significantl…
If you type:
easy_install recaptcha-client
It will fetch a tarball from here:
Which will fail to install because ez_setup.py is not included.
Currently eBooks are either installed using a low-level command line
interface (adb push) or they can be downloaded using a web browser on the
device. We will want to make the process significantl…
If you type:
easy_install recaptcha-client
It will fetch a tarball from here:
Which will fail to install because ez_setup.py is not included.
If you type:
easy_install recaptcha-client
It will fetch a tarball from here:
Which will fail to install because ez_setup.py is not included.