**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
Ponieważ w #129 ustalono, że aby chronić prywatność użytkowników nie należy wysyłać danych na inne serwery, gdy możliwe jest oprac…
Hi Ciprian -
I've downloaded your nice file and have imported it into Excel and Msaccess.
With the query-tools in msaccess I've looked a bit at consistency of country-/province-issues that I've…
First of all, I would like to thank you for providing the data.
I think it's the best quality of all.
There's no coordinates information for France. Please check.
And there is an area in China …
Issue Type: Bug
Create a text file and add the following:
this is the first line of the document.
this is the second one.
In the document, search for this:
(this is the fir…
Issue Type: Bug
Issue https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/83074 was automatically created by the "Report issue" feature of visual studio code.
In the "File on" field I've selected "An ext…
Issue Description
I've noticed that every time I create a new file (without saving it), set it as PowerShell, add in some code, select a fraction (or all of it), followed by pressing F8 I ge…
Issue Type: Bug
This is a regression, as very recently it showed the circle with the X in it
Now, it shows two human silhouettes.
VS Code version: Code - Insiders 1.38.0-insider (8cd0…
I'm running this call with the attached data, which works fine and takes ~2 minutes:
iqtree -s seq.fasta -nt 1 -g tree.nwk -m "GTR{1.20,5.89,0.71,0.65,5.68,1.0}+F{0.162,0.367,0.305,0.166}+R5{0.…
Issue Type: Bug
终端字体大小设得比较大时(例如 26),打开终端会显示有问题,光标位置不对等等。
比较小时(例如 16) 不会有问题
When Polish (Programmers) keyboard layout is used, Ctrl+Alt+C is used to type **ć** character.
Unfortunately, ecdc extension overrides that binding, what interrupts normal typing.