I followed the hookup guide here for the module: https://www.instructables.com/id/Add-WiFi-to-Arduino-UNO/
I changed ESP8266sendMessage example sketch with my network name, password, ip, and ports…
ghost updated
4 years ago
### Guidelines
- [X] I have searched the issue tracker for [open](https://github.com/FreeTubeApp/FreeTube/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue) and [closed](https://github.com/FreeTubeApp/FreeTube/issues?q=…
In `nvim/lua/setup/nvim-cmp.lua` line 3 : add
sources = {
{ name = 'cmp_tabnine' },
{name = "nvim_lsp"},
{name = "path"},
{name= "emoji"},
{name = "buffer"},
It would be nice to be able to get services and bonuses for structures. Things like ME and TE bonuses, research, copy speed, ect. Mostly whatever is present in the industry window, and refining and …
**Issue by [jipijo](https://github.com/jipijo)**
_Thursday Feb 14, 2019 at 14:06 GMT_
_Originally opened as https://github.com/populse/populse_mia/issues/65_
**Expected behavior**
From "MRI F…
Design page for listing of season's concerts.
- [ ] Need a drop down or nav to see previous years listings
- upcoming concerts at /concerts
- then /concerts/2015-2016, ect...
This is probably an edge case, but I would love a feature to send a message to everyone who has completed a repeatable task. Basically I'd like to inform them of more rewards for the task, or improved…
He creado una librería para consumir servicios RSS, Atom, ect, creo que podría ser interesante para tí, ya que gestiona determinadas caracteristicas que por ejemplo tu no tienes, como puede ser…
I want to create a new 9.1 release branch/tag. I want to have this 9.1 release branch/tag before we deliver any 9.2 or 10 updates, but I want to wait until we have all of the base files in place (rea…
My suggestion is: Setup a banker module for banker class, in which a user can
store his items, cash, weapons, ect. But he must have access to a banker to
give it to, so they can add it. So it ge…