# 二、语法部分
## 2.4 字符串扩展
### 2.4.1字符串特性
* 1.Unicode表示法
* 2.遍历接口
* 3.模块字符串
* 4.新增方法
### 2.4.2 Unicode表示方法
* JavaScript允许采用\uxxxx形式表示一个字符,这种表示法只限于\u0000——\uFFFF之间,如果在“\u”后面跟上超过0xFFFF的数值(比如\u20BB7),…
Probably nothing but...
apm tried to install es6-symbols but the 2.0 versions package.json was corrupt (the first 16 bytes were wrong) so it failed. I assume downloads happen over TCP/IP and should th…
# WebRTC eventbus extension to sockjs.
Vert.x already has some simple javascript library to handle all the sockjs event bus. You should attempt to understand the code living here:
If all a method does is delegate to its super-method, the method can be removed, relying on the property-based dispatch to execute the super-method directly. The Flutter framework `toString()` methods…
I'm attempting to import a JSON editor model in withing a typescript editor model. I've been able to successfully do this within vscode but haven't had any luck with monco-editor as it shows a validat…
## 容易忽略的点
* `catch`是`then`的语法糖,但是`catch`可以捕获`then`中的异常,而`then`的第二个回调函数不行。
* 如果没有使用`catch`捕获错误,那么Promise的错误不会传递到外层,即使外层有`try...cat…
## 原始类型
- Boolean
- Number
- String
- Null
- Undefined
- Symbol(ES6)
## 复杂类型
- Object
## Number
可表示双精度64位浮点数-(2^63 -1) 到 2^63 -1,+Infinity,-Infinity,NaN
Essential ES6 features with examples for each:
**1. Variable Declarations (let and const):**
- **Problem with `var`:** Before ES6, `var` was the primary way to declare variables. However, it can lea…
* 클래스는 문법적 설탕이 아니다?
-> 클래스를 썼을 때 확실히 더 좋은 경우가 있는지 궁금했음
## article1: [Please stop using classes in JavaScript](https://everyday.codes/javascript/please-stop-using-classes-in-javascript/)
### 내용요약