## Summary
I am having 2 suites named as Suite A and Suite B and each suite having 5 test cases. I am going to run the test cases with suites of suite concept (Suite C = SuiteA +Suite B) and th…
Hi Anshoo Arora,
Is there any method available in v2.41.1 which returns total pass/fail count.
## Summary
I have a parameterized class file created in junit, with only one @Test method in it, I am passing input arguments to that test using @Parameters. I have also configured extent report …
## Issue in creating new customized reports.
In my project, I have settings sheet which defines which…
com.relevantcodes.extentreports.ExtentTestInterruptedException: Close was called before test could end safely using EndTest.
at com.relevantcodes.extentreports.Report.terminate(Report.java:416)
at com…
## Summary
when using Base64screenshot method to attach screenshot in extent report, it fills the image in red color
## Expected Behavior
Ideally the screenshot after attached in extent mus…
Hi Anshoo,
I am not able to add company logo , have added js code and image tag under reportName
Please find the below xml file
I've been running the grid extensions on Selenium 2.53.0 for some time now with no problems. I'm testing an upgrade to Selenium 3.4 and am seeing the attached error being thrown. Selenium 3.…
## Summary
## Environment Details
* Extent report Version used: 2.41.2
* Operating System and version: UNIX
* JDK Version: 7
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