I was able to run Test binary and create Emission set "#root#volume#e2e_data_speech#test-other.lst.bin" .
I am trying to run Decoder now by using Emission set. Here is my command and the output I a…
Why is there no configuration file for decoder, such as decoder.cfg, but only train.cfg exist ?
When I run the recipe in `recipes/models/seq2seq_tds/librispeech/train.cfg` (after having successfully run `recipes/models/seq2seq_tds/librispeech/prepare.py` and updating paths appropriately without …
Something broke with docker. Here's [Job 368 on travis](https://travis-ci.org/UCBerkeleySETI/blimpy/jobs/592371906)
============================= test session starts =========================…
I'm making a filterbank to do some signal analysis. I've constructed an array of bandpass filters, which reconstruct. Here are the frequency responses of three adjacent bins:
What went well:
I used the pre-trained models, the docker image `wav2letter/wav2letter:lexfree`
I successfully launch the decoding past the point it loads the models but it seems the `wav2letter/wa…
Here is an example:
yapp_fits2fil /hyrule/data/grbfrb/P3231/puppi_58163_B0950+08_0378_0001.fits
WARNING: Number of IFs is 0! Setting it to 1.
ERROR: Unsupported number of polarization…
In https://github.com/keunwoochoi/torchaudio-contrib/pull/34#discussion_r271428800, we discussed what purpose we actually see for the functional interface.
My stance would be to follow `torch.nn.fu…
Thanks very much for the great library! It's my default library for speech processing now.
Just want to double check on the following, I want to extract 40-dimensional log mel filterbank feautres f…
==26013== Invalid write of size 4
==26013== at 0x10AC9D: decimate_samples(filterbank&, unsigned int) (in /home/thomas/sfs/Asteria/build/decimate)
==26013== by 0x10A5A8: main (in /home/thomas/s…