You may think this is already true: isn't a shell already a reusable component that runs under a terminal? You pass data on stdin, and get results on stdout and stderr?
No, because shell also has …
Sourcing vte.sh or using login shell no longer work in Fedora 33, any ideas what's going on and how to fix it?
苹果的terminal和anaconda prompt,以及win下面的powershell.还有gitbash,有点分不清楚。。。
`diff (sort a.txt|psub) (sort b.txt|psub)` is the most well known example of process substitution, but it's supposed to work the other way around too.
$ xxd -l 20 -p /dev/random | tee >(ca…
### Summary of the new feature / enhancement
Currently, argument completers for native commands must be explicitly registered using `Register-ArgumentCompleter`. However, this means that the module w…
I have no `rustc` in my `$PATH`.
Typing `~/.cargo/bin/rustc t` spews following:
/usr/share/fish/completions/rustc.fish (line 1): rustc -C help \
In general filters should be case-insensitive. I went to the Boarding Records menu and clicked Vessels and then added a filter for a vessel name. But the vessel did not show up after filtering - becau…
When checking out in a go project directory, I have the following error:
string match: Unknown option “-g”
~/.local/share/omf/themes/bobthefish/functions/fish_prompt.fish (line 1):
I can't totally figure out what's happening, but ipython has become unusable to me unless I `pip install ipython=7.28.0` or similar.
There's a couple other tickets open about possibly related thing…
Found: https://github.com/rochacbruno/Flask-GoogleMaps
Examples with code:
I'll try playing around with this and getting something integrated.