We have realized that in the In-App billing APIv3 when you retrieve the
products info, google gives you the item price with the currency symbol.
In our case, we are storing all the financial tra…
As discussed in https://github.com/OneBusAway/onebusaway-iphone/issues/263#issuecomment-35123537, we'd like to add Google Analytics to both the OBA iOS and Android apps to have better information abou…
We have realized that in the In-App billing APIv3 when you retrieve the
products info, google gives you the item price with the currency symbol.
In our case, we are storing all the financial tra…
We have realized that in the In-App billing APIv3 when you retrieve the
products info, google gives you the item price with the currency symbol.
In our case, we are storing all the financial tra…
We have realized that in the In-App billing APIv3 when you retrieve the
products info, google gives you the item price with the currency symbol.
In our case, we are storing all the financial tra…
We have realized that in the In-App billing APIv3 when you retrieve the
products info, google gives you the item price with the currency symbol.
In our case, we are storing all the financial tra…
Installing Cordova plugins [============= ] 50%
The message appears on subsequent runs of the very same application with `meteor run android` or `meteor run ios-dev…
dandv updated
9 years ago
We have realized that in the In-App billing APIv3 when you retrieve the
products info, google gives you the item price with the currency symbol.
In our case, we are storing all the financial tra…
What about creating a repo which contains a set of reusable UI components? something like [Angular-UI](https://angular-ui.github.io/) or [Khan Acacdemy](http://khan.github.io/react-components/)
The dropdown menus are really hard to tap in IE10 Mobile (Windows Phone 8). I have to zoom way in to successfully select an item. At the default zoom using Bootstrap's responsive CSS package, most of …