Submitting Author: Name (@AlexanderJuestel)
All current maintainers: (@AlexanderJuestel)
Package Name: GemGIS
One-Line Description of Package: Spatial Data Processing for Geomodeling
Repository Li…
I just got an email from Trafikverket to all Lastkajen users. It seems that they are discontinuing the shape files and will only provide GeoDB or Geopkg files by the end of the year...
Hi GPlately team,
I have encountered an issue with the trench normal angle calculation, specifically in the region of Eastern Australia. When attempting to draw a perpendicular profile, I noticed t…
Im probably doing something wrong here, but not sure why I can't get the example from the documentation to work when I change the country_config iso3 to "som"
Heres the code:
>>> from o…
Hi All.
I have a question about how plots and legends work with geopandas. I set the colors and line symbology using a list. And i used `.plot()` to plot the data
Here is a plot that i made of ro…
In [46]: df = geopandas.read_file(geopandas.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_lowres'))
In [47]: df.head()
pop_est continent name iso_a3 gdp_md_est …
I´m struggeling with using a base map on a geojson dataframe of contiguous USA (polygons of the counties). None of the base maps seem to load. Also, the map window gets zoomed out if I try t…
# QGIS Enhancement: Add helper hooks to common Python geo libraries
**Date** 2021/05/26
**Author** Nyall Dawson (@nyalldawson)
**Contact** nyall dot dawson at gmail dot com
**maintainer** …
The Geodataframe whenever you filter for a data returns just two columns (geometry and wardname)
Check what the filter function returns based on the query and also the query you passed in