After processing OSM or other inputs into a DataFrame of JTS geometry and added attributes, we may find it useful to produce line-delimited GeoJSON output. Some workflows will prefer this to vectorti…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Try to parse geojson with nested "properties" section like
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Try to parse geojson with nested "properties" section like
The data files use a made-up json format. We should use geoJSON (http://geojson.org/) for future compatibility with other software.
This is not a particular issue for the BrewMap, but if we use thi…
I have several datasets that include a column with a geojson field, like this dataset
In this case it's not a point, but a Multipol…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Try to parse geojson with nested "properties" section like
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Try to parse geojson with nested "properties" section like
I was trying out the sample code on version 2.1.2 and I keep getting the following error
Typeerror: GeoJSON is not a constructor
var test = new GeoJSON({
any: {
type: "Point…
There is an issue with the multipolygons that have seen queried by extent. I created the following issue [#233 ](https://github.com/koopjs/FeatureServer/issues/233) and I have seen that the solution o…