See discussion in #821.
The best long-term solution is probably to let the user choose the Pan Law. This is probably pretty non-obvious to any normal callers, so some documentation would be good. …
As noted in [#1960](https://github.com/sile-typesetter/sile/issues/1960#issuecomment-1902436827), it seems Czech also repeats hyphens when breaking a compounds word. Some other languages might do the …
[24.08.2023 12:09:09] jasiu-rozowyczlowiek:
[24.08.2023 12:09:09] jasiu-rozowyczlowiek
## Describe the bug
The documentation on page https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/spectrum-scale-csi?topic=class-storage-creating-fileset-based-volumes
does not list the available parameters for `filesetTyp…
Gerei um nuget para a DANFE conforme na issue #1324
Eu gero o DanfeFrNfe a partir do XML e ao usar a função ExportarPdf() conforme no print. Ele me retorna um erro na função de Exportar PDF:
Hello Matt,
**to_chars for std::bfloat16_t is not available**
You define BOOST_CHARCONV_HAS_BRAINFLOAT16 in config.hpp, but check for BOOST_CHARCONV_HAS_BFLOAT16 in to_chars.hpp (and for BOOST_CHA…
Cuando un usuario desea mover una ficha con los controles e ingresa un valor que no esta dentro del rango se imprimen 3 mensajes de error y se crea un loop de ingreso de coordenadas
Na interface Web o "Nome Aceito" está sendo impresso 2x
1. Получить роль Бармен
2. попробовать выйти\Войти в Бар
**Реальное поведение:**
Двери и шкафы отказывают принимать доступ
**Ожидаемое поведение:**
Ты владелец бара с…
o fonte client ws que gero no vscode está vazio, o que estou fazendo de errado para isso acontecer?