A few things to consider before submitting an issue:
0. We write documentation for a reason, if you have not read it and are
having problems with Reaver these pages are required reading before
A few things to consider before submitting an issue:
0. We write documentation for a reason, if you have not read it and are
having problems with Reaver these pages are required reading before
A few things to consider before submitting an issue:
0. We write documentation for a reason, if you have not read it and are
having problems with Reaver these pages are required reading before
A few things to consider before submitting an issue:
0. We write documentation for a reason, if you have not read it and are
having problems with Reaver these pages are required reading before
A few things to consider before submitting an issue:
0. We write documentation for a reason, if you have not read it and are
having problems with Reaver these pages are required reading before
**Describe the bug**
After a recent device firmware update to the version below, calls to circuit switching functions don't have any effect.
`start_state_stream` still works but for a limited time -…
`bluetoothle.initialize(initializeSuccess, initializeError);` doesn't error if there is no BLE availability on the device. *Was pulling hair out over why code wasn't working..
I have updated my 9XR-PRO from 2.2.4 to the last 2.3.5 with the 2.3.5 companion. It flashes nicelly, but when i set the RTC to the actual date-month-year, and restart the radio, goes back to 19…
@rockbot @voodootikigod
Ideas/Planning for a Robot related event.