Hi, thanks for the great work. From reading your FAQ:
> `Checkpoint`. We provide two checkpoints for our VGG-4 backbone : pvgg-4.ckpt and coco-rgb-aug.ckpt (trained with different photometric augme…
Could you tell me if the function random_perspective_matrix() in the code from vlkit.geometry.homography import random_perspective_matrix is your own creation? I couldn't find this function in the lat…
Sik-Ho Tang. [Review: STN — Spatial Transformer Network (Image Classification)](https://towardsdatascience.com/review-stn-spatial-transformer-network-image-classification-d3cbd98a70aa).
Hello! I am quite new in 3d geometry, and I have a question.
What is the difference between your formula for differentiable warping and formula "differential homography" from [MVSNet](https://arxiv.o…
Thank you for your work. When i view your code,I noticed that there is no code for homography. Cloud you teach me how to achieve the result like Figure 5 in your paper?I have sent you an email. Lookin…
Thank you for this amazing calibration toolbox! I am currently evaluating both the matching-based and symmetry-based refinement techniques and have managed to get symmetry-based refinement working to …
Change the road perspective to top view based on the intrinsics of the camera and the linear transformation to the ground plane.
Hello, thank you for your excellent work~
I have some other problems when I try the step5 in the pipeline:
1. I am not clear about how to run step5 successfully.
①It warns that I don't have cuda…
### Package and Environment Details (include every applicable attribute)
* Package Name/Version: **opencv/4.5.1** && **opencv/4.5.0**
* Operating System+version: **Linux Ubuntu 18.04** (spec…
When I use the mono mode to track, I found code like this:
float medianDepth = pKFini->ComputeSceneMedianDepth(2);
float invMedianDepth;
if(mSensor == System::IMU_MONOCULAR)