From James:
> Ideas for future-proofing our data:
Ingredients as objects instead of strings (and their own table)
Own table b/c a lot of drinks might have the same ingredient
As a user, I should be told what ingredients are still needed if I don’t have enough ingredients in my pantry to cook the recipe.
enum E ;
role R {
has $.e = one;
method m() {
say $!e === one; # False
The above prints `False`, but should print `True`.
As far as I golfed, the …
ingredient lists should be machine readable.
I saw a guide for chrome.
and I dropped Ingredients Collector on bookmark bar, but I can't use it.
가이드를 보고 따라했지만, 글감 수집기가 작동하지
Original issue reported on code.go…
What ingredients in what area
Spawn point
The user should be able to enter multiple ingredients
Filter recipes that contain both of them and show only them.
# Describe the bug
Using "old" ingredients that have a shelf life exceeding that of the resulting meal's is reducing the meal's resulting shelf life.
I used beans with "more than 3 weeks" an…