Find By Ingredients
url = 'https://api.spoonacular.com/recipes/findByIngredients?ingredients=%s&number=10&ranking=1&ignorePantry=true&apiKey=
Find By Recipe ID
As a user, I should be able to cook a meal if I do have enough ingredients in my pantry. As a result, cooking the meal should remove the ingredients from my pantry.
enum E ;
role R {
has $.e = one;
method m() {
say $!e === one; # False
The above prints `False`, but should print `True`.
As far as I golfed, the …
### Description
- Add a filter to recipe recommendations to limit number of ingredients
- some of the recipes have way too many ingredients
- maybe in increments of max 10, 15, 20, etc
## Estimation of work
## Acceptance criteria
- check box to add ingredients
- page for expanding more into the amount of specific ingredients user has
Originally reported by: **Jason R. Coombs (Bitbucket: [jaraco](http://bitbucket.org/jaraco), GitHub: [jaraco](http://github.com/jaraco))**
The VR config model is pretty generous when it comes to…
ghost updated
8 years ago
@moon-rabbitOFF removed the prepared product nutrition facts and unchecked the corresponding box,…
### Describe the bug
If an emulsifier like lecithin is listed in the ingredients as an ingredient, the product is not marked NOVA 4. It is marked NOVA 4 if the lecithin is listed as an emulsifier.
### What
- The origins field can contain origins for specific ingredients: "Cocoa from Peru", "Lait origine France" etc.
- We need to recognize the ingredient + origin combination, store it in a speci…
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